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Who We Are and What We Do

Paving the Road Towards a Better Future

Kiwonnongo Foundation is an organization formed to support the community of Kiwonnongo, Lunya, Lwamata and surrounding communities with the development in these areas:

 1) Education

- St Jerome Emilian Academy  Day and Boarding Primary School, Senior Secondary School and Vocational  Institute.


2)  Community Outreach

- Kiwonnongo Ba'Mukisa Women and Youth Groups


3)  Adult Community Awareness

- Extend awareness and empowerment at an adult Community Center in Lukuli.

4) Kiwonnongo MicroFinance

- Small business financing

5) Preservation of local community cultural heritage

- Maintain and re-establish close family ties and traditions by empowering women, youth and children with basic  life skills, starting with sensitizing these communities about human rights.

6) Missionary Programs and Volunteering

- In process of reaching out to all christians from all walks of life to join us evangelize and teach the word of God through this program of Church Seeding.

- Currently taking applications for International Volunteers for both teaching and community development.

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